Michael Currie
Aug 29, 2022


`sudo rsync -axv / /mnt/new-volume/` will cause infinite recursion, copying `/mnt/new-volume` into itself until the new volume runs out of space. To avoid this, run the command like this instead`sudo rsync -avx --exclude='/mnt/*' / /mnt/new-volume/`

Also, if you are running this command from a remote terminal like PuTTY, you may want to avoid losing the process if you lose connection with the server. So wrap the command in a nohup like this:

`cd ~`

`sudo nohup rsync -avx --exclude='/mnt/*' / /mnt/new-volume/ &`

Then you can shut down your terminal window and start a new one anytime and run:

`tail -F ~/nohup.out`

To see the latest progress.

